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Every time I install an app I have to refresh app drawer in order to see it there. Is it normal? Thanks.

Every time I install an app I have to refresh app drawer in order to see it there. Is it normal? Thanks.


Hi! Hie can I hide all icon text labels on certain desktop or in general? I know how to do it per icon. Thanka

Hi! Hie can I hide all icon text labels on certain desktop or in general? I know how to do it per icon. Thanka


I want to create reboot to recovery shortcut.

I want to create reboot to recovery shortcut. I know i can use some 3rd party app for that, but I don’t want. So it is possible using script or something like that? Thanks.



Hi. Can how I create specified settings shortcut (eg. Battery usage)? In Nova launcher it’s quite easy with Nova activities. I’m sure it should be possible in LL too. I’m on Samsung S6 with Android 7. Thanks.


I get this black line in app drawer and on the desktop too.

I get this black line in app drawer and on the desktop too. Tried everything but didn’t manege to make it disappear. Would appreciate any help. Thanks!


When I check add new shortcut option in Google Play it adds an icon to the bottom part of the desktop (i mean new…

When I check add new shortcut option in Google Play it adds an icon to the bottom part of the desktop (i mean new screen). And I use one horizontal scrolling. Can i make it so all new shortcuts (even when i batch add icons) will be added to the screen I select by default?


Nova launcher has that nice option of adding newly installed app’s icon to the second screen (or the one chosen).

Nova launcher has that nice option of adding newly installed app’s icon to the second screen (or the one chosen). Is it possible to make LL doing so? Thanks.


How can I change desktop icons size?

How can I change desktop icons size?


I can’t clean my notifications in status bar.

I can’t clean my notifications in status bar. I mean after I clean them and new one pops up old ones stay there. What can be a problem? I’m on Android 5.1.


When I was usi g WidgetLocker there was a a possibility to suspend it while some event is happening (eg.

When I was usi g WidgetLocker there was a a possibility to suspend it while some event is happening (eg. Connected to car by audio). Can I somehow suspent LL lockscreen same way?
