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All, I’m sure I’m just being an idiot, but I can’t for the life of me find the way to get rid of the folder “icon”.
Any way to get rid of the grey box? Everything I do seems to get rid of the grey box and the new icon I select! I suppose I could just make the folder icon transparent and put the icon I want underneath, but there feels like there is a “proper” way of doing this! Any help appreciated!
Also welcome back to our dev! I love LLx. Thought I might have to go elsewhere but I’m sticking with this as I love it. Keep up the good work!
PS: I got around the other issue of the think nav bar I posted last week by just putting some toggles down there. Will post a pic in a sec. It shows the folder icon issue too
]]>V14.3 beta
This beta version introduces experimental support for nested scrolling in panels.
For this to work, you need to set “Overscroll animation” to None (in the Scroll/zoom options screen) in the inner container, otherwise it will not work.
Feedback welcome!
]]>Can anyone remember how to navigate back up in this screen I’m stuck at the root :( already tried restarting
Can anyone remember how to navigate back up in this screen I’m stuck at the root 🙁 already tried restarting
]]>Is the latest version is better or worse than before??
Is the latest version is better or worse than before??
love the launcher, by far the best one I’ve ever had in terms of customisability and functionality.
how does nested scrolling work in lightning?
I thought the most intuitive approach would be to treat overscroll as scroll on a parent, if the parent can be scrolled.
for example, let’s say I have 2 pages vertically, and on the page that’s on the bottom I have a panel filling the whole page, that freely scrolls vertically, for example containing an app list. when I scroll to the top of the panel and then try to scroll up further, I’d expect to scroll back to page 1, but that does not happen, instead it just overscrolls the panel. swipe up/down events also don’t trigger on overscroll as I’d expect them to.
is that intended behaviour? is there an option that I missed to turn it on/off?
sorry if this is the most asked question ever
]]>I am having an issue with app icons not showing up in the app drawer after installation.
V14.2.1 stable
A new version with a required update due to Google Play policy change, and two fixes:
– remove READ_CALL_LOG and READ_SMS permissions because their use in launchers is now forbidden by the Google Play Store policy. A dialog box with a workaround will be displayed in case these permissions are needed (in badges)
– fix the floating desktop on Oreo, thanks to TrianguloY
– partially fix the issue with the app drawer not being automatically updated upon app (un)install on Oreo
I wasn’t too sure I could still code in Java, build an APK and publish it on the Play Store, but hey, it’s like riding a bike: it can’t be forgotten!
All, I just got a Huawei running EMUI9 on pie (mate 20 pro). Everything was working fine UNTIL I touched the items under
System bars > Navigation bars
Now my Nav bar is about twice as high as it was before… The weirdest thing is I can force stop the program, clear the cache, uninstall the program, reinstall and still the nav bar is the same! Resetting LL also doesn’t help… If I go into the menus or to any other program, the nav bar returns to it’s original height, it’s only in LL on the desktop and app drawer tyhat it happens. Even in LL menu it is the correct height. I see from screenshots from some others that I don’t think it’s just me. Any help greatly appreciated!
]]>Folder not closing option. Hi people I’m not sure if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong.
Folder not closing option. Hi people I’m not sure if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong.
I’ve set the option to close the folder when an item is selected but it doesn’t close. Is there another folder override somewhere that I am missing?
Happy New Year everyone.
Happy New Year everyone.
Is it possible to change the folder open and close animation speed?