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Help. so far I was not able to run the script on events and actions. Editing the file gives me the following error: Error reading file … / Lightning Launcher / tmp / script.js. Can anyone tell me why this happens?. Moto G-LLX 10.3 (R1767). This is the script:

var id= 393220 //the id of the item

var amount = 0.5 //the parallax effect, between 0,1

var cont=LL.getEvent().getContainer();

var it=LL.getItemById(id);

it.setPosition(cont.getPositionX()* amount+it.getWidth()* (amount-1),0);


I am new to LL and was hoping somebody might have some suggestions on what they think are the most comprehensive…

I am new to LL and was hoping somebody might have some suggestions on what they think are the most comprehensive tutorials or “how to” guides, specifically pertaining to the initial set-up.  Thank you for your input.


I have a couple of questions about panels.

I have a couple of questions about panels. Any help would be appreciated. Is it possible to have two panels stacked vertically off screen. And when I swipe have only one or the other pull out. I can get one panel to slide, but when I put two it is all or nothing as far as I can figure. The other question I have is about haveing panels on either side of the screen. I have seen posts where panels from both left and right can pull out at the same side. But when I try, I get one to pull out then have to swipe it away as I get the other to open. Any help? Or posts you could point me to.


9 patch resources

9 patch resources

Since Nov, 2013 LLX has supported the use of 9 patch images as backgrounds for icons, folders and panels.

A 9 patch is simply a special .png graphic with stretchable area(s), defined by 1 pixel black lines. It will be automatically resized to contain anything from nothing at all, all the way up to an entire panel or folder window.

More info

You can use Photoshop to create or edit a 9 patch image, but these must then be compiled for use in LLX.

9 Patch Editor (in the Play Store) can save your image in a compiled form.

Once you have the compiled 9 patch image somewhere on your device, just select Customize for your icon, panel or folder, and under the Box tab, tap Normal background image and select the file. You can use the same or different file for Selected background image so for instance an icon “button” can appear to be pushed in when tapped.

Some I have collected to get you started  (zip archive)

These are not compiled!


Currently I have a folder that holds a widget.

Currently I have a folder that holds a widget. Folder shows up only when I use a tap gesture. So far, so good. This is my sliding calendar folder then that only shows up when I want to see it.

What if I wanted this tap gesture to show two folders, one up top and one a bit below it.

Reason being I like my desktop very spartan with only 4 buttons at the bottom. I might also want to have a couple of info bars which only fire up on request though.

Would this be achieved through panels or can I still use folders? Also, how can I get the single tap to show the two panels\folders – both in predefined positions?

I’m a thunking some scripting is needed. Anyone care to throw me some bones as to where to look?


Say I wanted to make a duplicate of a folder, which had all of the same apps inside.

Say I wanted to make a duplicate of a folder, which had all of the same apps inside. Is there a way to easily do this? I would think it would be similar to copying a style.


If I want to have three independently scrolling areas, I just need to make three panels that stretch across multiple…

If I want to have three independently scrolling areas, I just need to make three panels that stretch across multiple screens, right?


I’m stuck. How do I change the background of panels

I’m stuck. How do I change the background of panels


Sorry about the total newb question.

Sorry about the total newb question.

I’ve just installed LLX and I’m using a fairly vanilla setup. When I open a folder, although I’ve set a background colour and the transparency is 255, existing icons on the desktop (under the opened folder) are visible.

I’d like the folder background to have no transparency so that there isn’t a mess of folder icons mixed with desktop icons. How do I do this?
