Luis Alfredo Chandia

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Using the excellent template created by Lutz Linke  “Companion” we can change the scenes with Tasker .

Using the excellent template created by Lutz Linke  “Companion” we can change the scenes with Tasker .

Here is the task


Set Variable % MODE to Home

Set Volume Notification  6

Set Icon Tasker to ” … “

( what you want )

( here is the important) + > Plugins > Lightning Launcher (Configuration : Run a Script> “ChooseScene” >  Pass these data to the script: %MODE)

Here is the script “ChooseScene”


For different contexts can create different task to call different scenes created in the excellent template by Lutz Linke 

Its work for me.

I have diferent Mode (Casa,Trabajo,Calle) and change in diferent context. When change the Mode, set the variable %MODO with the name of the scene and then pass to LLX.  It has great potential!



Help. so far I was not able to run the script on events and actions. Editing the file gives me the following error: Error reading file … / Lightning Launcher / tmp / script.js. Can anyone tell me why this happens?. Moto G-LLX 10.3 (R1767). This is the script:

var id= 393220 //the id of the item

var amount = 0.5 //the parallax effect, between 0,1

var cont=LL.getEvent().getContainer();

var it=LL.getItemById(id);

it.setPosition(cont.getPositionX()* amount+it.getWidth()* (amount-1),0);
