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Still wip, trying to figure out stop points.
Still a oneswork in progress, the two panels are the I want to swipe off screen to there respective sides, but now…
Still a oneswork in progress, the two panels are the I want to swipe off screen to there respective sides, but now they are both connected, as well as some apps that are below the dock? How do get all three to be independent of each other?
]]>Work in progress, but there’s two things I would like to do right off the bat.
Work in progress, but there’s two things I would like to do right off the bat. First I would like to have the calendar widget and the battery widget slide in from the sides, with their size intact. Second I would like a panel slide in above the calendar but below the time with icons with all the notifications, ie. G+,Facebook, Hangouts, emails and any apps that have notifications. I’ve tried having the widgets off screen but then they move too far once on screen? Any assistance will be helpful thank you.
]]>For those users who have a Samsung Galaxy device, is there a way to open the Assistant Menu thru a gesture or icon?
How do I change the wallpaper in apps drawer? It always changes my desktop, but not my app drawer?
Question, I have a panel with 3-4 widgets in it, how can I swipe the panel and have the widgets be centered within the panel? They do to some degree stay centered, but every once in a while they slightly overlap, as in I can see the beginning of an other one when the one i’m looking at is focused? What I want is the widget to “snap” into the center position until I swipe to the next one.
Does that make sense?
]]>Complete noob here, I created this desktop with a Sony launcher on my SGN2 with Zooper and UCCW.
Complete noob here, I created this desktop with a Sony launcher on my SGN2 with Zooper and UCCW. I’ve seen the power of LL and want to create it on LL with a couple of changes.
1st. I want to have side panels/side bars, with rich text that will slide from either side, which will show the notification count for whatever the text represents.
2nd. With side panels/sidebar open to tap on said notification and open either a widget or actual app. If app has widget, would like it to slide out from text on tap. Basically what I want is to slide out sp/sb, tap text open widget, and third tap would open app.
There is a bunch of other things I want, but if can get my head around this the rest will be easier.
Ps. If this pic is offensive to anyone I apologies, thought I may assist in what I woild like to create.