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Dmitry Avsioukov​

Dmitry Avsioukov​


My LLx at the moment

My LLx at the moment

I love it

Just Pierre Hébert​ could you check why I can’t use scripts on resumed event of the widgets


Rather cool

Rather cool

Thank you Pierre Hébert​


Is it possible to implement these kind of effects like on widget launcher 4 ?

Is it possible to implement these kind of effects like on widget launcher 4 ?

It would be amazing

Pierre Hébert​


Hi Pierre Hébert​

Hi Pierre Hébert​

The SMS script from Jay M​ is no more working on the last update

Was fine before


For Henry Adams

For Henry Adams

About editing


Jay M​ TrianguloY​ Pierre Hébert​

Jay M​ TrianguloY​ Pierre Hébert​

Is it possible to send 2 variables when running a script ?

I want to run the SMS script passing tel num and message


Hi Pierre Hébert​ when will come the possibility to schedule batch scripts ?

Hi Pierre Hébert​ when will come the possibility to schedule batch scripts ?

Or is it already possible and how ?

Ex : I want to run a script every week on Sunday morning


Jay M​

Jay M​

The screenshot for SEND_SMS permission.

Thank you


Is it possible to run a script passing through Terminal emulator ?

Is it possible to run a script passing through Terminal emulator ?

I just want to run :



