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Ahx presets for KLWP PRO by Rod K​

Ahx presets for KLWP PRO by Rod K​

Wall Nick Nice​

Zooper widget pro status bar Daniel Vitorino​

Templates Corpvitizw TM​

3 in 1 flat template Galer vodgals​

Lightning launcher extreme

Where is the setting to disable touch animatios….. When I select an icon (app) a dark squared animation appears ?

Where is the setting to disable touch animatios….. When I select an icon (app) a dark squared animation appears ?


New to lightning launcher.

New to lightning launcher…. Quick question… The icons that automatically appeared in the dock .. The gray icons with the reflection… Is it possible to transfer that look to icons as I apply them to my home screens… Or if there a specific icon pack?


I’ve used Nova prime for 2 years.

I’ve used Nova prime for 2 years… Been using lighting launcher sence las night and I’M definitely impressed…. Once I get past the learning curve it’ll for sure be my primary….. Only down side no real tutorials that I’ve found… But I’ll learn my way around