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This bug is a strange one that occurs in the stable version (also in the alpha), and I guess it is an old one.

This bug is a strange one that occurs in the stable version (also in the alpha), and I guess it is an old one.

The binding $int_free returns the free internal space available, and it works ok when used directly. However, using animate and a device with (according to android) 10,69GB free space, the number seems to wrap around the wrong way, giving a negative number. It worked fine before on a device with less than 1GB free.

This binding on the label:

animate(“$int_free”)+” “+$int_free

gives the following output:

-1409683456 11475218432

A bit of information (useless I guess)

1409683456 + 11475218432 = 3 * ( 2 ^ 32 )


Some interesting behaviors about stacked folders.

Some interesting behaviors about stacked folders.


Add a folder to the desktop, and inside it add another folder and set its id to the same as the main one (aka a ‘folder inside itself’).


Set the folder to auto close.

When you open the folder from the desktop, clicking the folder inside the opened one closes the folder and reopens it.

However, when opening the folder again, it is not closed and they stack.


In the hierarchy screen, now you can open as many folders as you want (maybe this is unavoidable, the same with stacked panels) but it is a good way to discover that if the padding is big enough, the text disappear and you can only see a blank item. Maybe force a minimum text width?


Add two folders on the desktop with the same id (both opens the same one).


Clicking one folder and then the other opens two instances of the folder. Not sure if this behavior is the good one. Should the folder close? Should it close/open? More discussion required.


It seems as if the ‘windows’ remember from where they were opened, and they only share the container inside. Maybe this is a bit absurd but what if the window folder properties were attached to the shortcut instead of the container? This will allow to have the same folder but with two backgrounds, different sizes…but I’m sure it will cause a lot of problems too. Just a comment anyway.


Bug? in the alpha version:

Bug? in the alpha version:

Previously the it.getView() returned the custom view created by the create script event, like the scriptdoc says. But now in the beta it returns a lightning view, and I found that it.getView().getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0) correctly returns the custom view.



About the lag with panels and zooming.

About the lag with panels and zooming.

I’ve been searching for an explanation of the lag that some panels have when you zoom out. I couldn’t never replicate it consistently, but probably because I was trying with complicated setups.

The steps are so simple!

Empty desktop, add panel, edit panel, zoom out.

That’s all. I think the issue is with the drawing of the layout lines. The more you zoom out the more laggy it becomes until a specific point, when it returns to normal. That point seems to be when the ‘inners lines’ are not drawn. When they disappear the lag disappears too. Until of course you keep zooming out and the ‘main lines’ increase and the lag returns.

I couldn’t replicate this on a folder, no lines are drawn. And strangely I couldn’t in a desktop too. No matter how much I zoom out and no matter how many lines are drawn (side note: if you zoom out a lot the lines disappear).

I’m in the beta, but I’m almost sure it works in the stable release. Can someone test it?


About 12.9b1

About 12.9b1

I played a bit about the new beta, and I found those little issues so far. Still no crashes 🙂

Bug: Long tap inside panel and move, moves parent instead of item

When you long tap and move an item inside a panel (or even inside another panel recursively) the parent panel (the one directly in the desktop) is moved instead of the item. If the ‘auto edit mode’ is selected, the desktop is set into edit mode too.

Behaviour: Long tap item in edit mode

With multi selection enabled, long tapping a deselected item selects it and shows the menu. Ok

With multi selection enabled, long tapping a selected item deselects it and doesn’t show the menu. Not sure if this is intended, specially when you long tap the item with handlers, it gets deselected and then no item have handlers.

With multi selection disabled, long tapping a selected item shows the menu. I found this ok.

With multi selection disabled, long tapping a deselected item, selects it keeping the previous one selected too. Is this intended?

Suggestion: Remove lock icon

Now that we have another item in the bottom tool bar, it starts to become crowded. What about removing the lock button? Personally I think it shouldn’t be there, because it is a ‘click and close’ one, instead of a toggle (or a settings activity one) and need to long click to access it is ok. Also I personally have clicked it by accident. Maybe we should do a poll, in case it is more useful than I thought.

Side suggestion: what about showing one of those ‘tutorial popups’ when locking first time? With “The container is locked and can’t be edited now. Long tap and click unlock to enable editing again” for example.


Style script editor

Style script editor

This script is a library/tool/helper related to the properties of items (including containers) to get and set them. It supports strings, integers, booleans, boxes and event handlers.


– Get script code from item B that, when running in item A, will set the same properties of the item B. This can be useful when creating a script that creates an item, and you need that item with specific properties.

– The same as before but without copy/pasteing (it is saved in the script tag to apply).

– A class available to any script (you need to run this script at least once when the app loads) to perform any of those actions.


– Run the script from an item from long tap. The class will be initialized and a dialog with options will be shown.

– Choose get and save from item/container (if available) to display the code (the one that contains all the properties of the item/container)

– Choose apply to item/container (if available) to set the saved properties (from the previous run) to that item.

Important: although you can apply properties from items with different types, some of them won’t work and can make others don’t work too. This may change in future lighting versions.


Hi Pierre Hébert​​​, could you add a permission package with android.permission.STATUS_BAR

Hi Pierre Hébert​​​, could you add a permission package with android.permission.STATUS_BAR ? (I’m not root so I can’t use Lukas’s app unfortunately)

I’m testing some things, and I need that permission.

What I found so far is this (important! It won’t probably work on most devices)

Expand notification tray:

var sbservice = LL.getContext().getSystemService( “statusbar” );


Expand quick settings:

var sbservice = LL.getContext().getSystemService( “statusbar” );


Hide clock (needs the permission, not sure if this work):

var sbservice = LL.getContext().getSystemService( “statusbar” );



Big news!

Big news!

A bit more than a year ago I published an app called Repository Importer. It was very basic and lacking features, but with the help of Pierre Hébert  and specially Lukas Morawietz  it grown and now it is a complex with lots of features, almost all made and programed by Lukas. Thank you very much.

I also learnt a lot in the process, and I discovered that I am good on having ideas and not so good in maintaining them (seems to be a normal thing anyway) for that reason when some days ago I had another idea for an app, another Lightning tool app, I couldn’t resist making it. And now it is ready to be published.

I present you ScriptDoc LLScript a popup-window tool that will show the documentation of the scripts functions directly. This is meant to be used in the script editor, when writing scripts, and I hope it will be useful for both advanced users and those of you who are still learning the base (oh, didn’t you opened the script editor yet, give it a try!).

The app, the same as with the origins of the Repository Importer, have only basic features, but I plan to implement some on the upcoming weeks (I’ll try to do so) and also will hear from all your comments. Also, due to the lack of devices to test, it may crash or make errors. If so please specify device and android version to take a look. As usual the code is on Github so everyone can see it and help improving it. (Lukas, you will be always welcome)

I think that’s all, for more information and images check the playstore page:

Some bugs related to properties. Possibly more to come:

Some bugs related to properties. Possibly more to come:

Bug #1

If you run this script from a shortcut (not a folder) it makes no error, but the item visibility is not changed.

var p=i.getProperties().edit();




Bug #2

If you run this script from a shortcut (not a folder) this error is shown, instead of ‘not valid property’ or other: “java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field ‘java.lang.Object android.util.Pair.first’ on a null object reference”.

var p=i.getProperties().edit();




Minigame time! It is not Breakout, sorry, but a more launcher-involved game.

Minigame time! It is not Breakout, sorry, but a more launcher-involved game.

Find the items

This will hide a custom number of items (they are small with the lightning’s icon) inside all containers of your desktop/desktops (If you have a simple one it will be very easy. The more folders/panels you have, the funnier it will be! )

When hidden you simply need to find and click them. When all are found you can start a new game.

It can be useful to help you remember your setup, you need to open and search in all places. Maybe there is a hidden folder you don’t remember about!

Because sometimes the items are really well hidden (or even where you doesn’t expect an item can be) launching the script while there are hidden items, shows the position of a random one.

Instructions when no game is on: Run the script, select whether to use all desktops or only the current one, and the number of items to hide.

Note: items are randomly placed inside the reachable containers and always inside the bounding box. However due to lightning’s loading process, sometimes items are placed at 0,0.

Another note: When launching the script it checks that the hidden items are still in the launcher, so if a hidden item is deleted, the script won’t tell you it is still hidden.

Have fun!
