gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

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Lola K.

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

Lola K.

Lightning Launcher Template

with Kustom WGTs, Tasker & Whicons

4 Pages Vertical (Tap or Scroll)

1 Horizontal Sidebar (Tap or Scroll)

Works with or without Softkeys (you may have to adjust navigation in Widgts).

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself (Tasker/LL).


Store (soon):


haifeif for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

haifeif for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

MultiPage Setup.

Horizontal & Vertical Scroll (tap)

Works with or without Softkeys(must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with support vertical scroll). If you use other then LL you need to setup the Favoritespanel, and customize Touch for the Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

If Current day has events a badge will be shown..

Alarm in statusbar is colored when alarm is set

Pause music is shown when playing but music panel is hidden.


Store (soon):

haifeif for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

haifeif for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

MultiPage Setup.

Horizontal & Vertical Scroll (tap)

Works with or without Softkeys(must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with support vertical scroll). If you use other then LL you need to setup the Favoritespanel, and customize Touch for the Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

If Current day has events a badge will be shown..

Alarm in statusbar is colored when alarm is set

Pause music is shown when playing but music panel is hidden.


Store (soon):



Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


kwatt for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

back on track 😉

1 (5)Page Setup. With Vertical Favoritespanel.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without Softkeys(must adjust Globals) and different Launchers.

If you use other then LL you need to setup the Favoritespanel, and customize Touch for the Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.




kwest for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

kwest for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

is back

3 Page Setup. With Statusbar.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers.

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for the NavArrows.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.



kwest for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

kwest for Kustom & Lightning Launcher

is back

3 Page Setup. With Statusbar.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers.

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for the NavArrows.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.





Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


for Kustom LWP & Lightnong Launcher

with Min Icon Pack

1 MainPage, 1 Sidebar & 1 Notificationpanel

Horizontal scroll for Sidebar

Vertical scroll for Notificationpanel

Works with or without Statusbar/SoftKeys

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows. in Panel (4×16).

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notificationbadges shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself (globals/shortcuts).

Current day is colored when day has events.

Alarm in statusbar is colored when alarm is set

Pause music is shown when playing but music panel is hidden.

Map is shown/hidden by tap on  Location in statusbar.

Should work with other launchers which can vertical scroll,

but Sidpanel has to be done by yourself.

Wall from Wallhaven


Will be available soon:


musica e

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

musica e

Kustom LWP & Lightning Launcher

with Whicons


Horizontal Scroll or Tap for Sidebar

Vertical Scroll or Tap for Notifications and Favorites

Works with or without Statusbar/SoftKeys

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself (globals/shortcuts).

Badge is shown if current days has events.

Should work with other launchers which can vertical scroll,

but some Touchevents and Favoritespanel (incl. Animation) has to be done by yourself.

Wall from Wallhaven


Will be available soon:


Again Bindings.

Again Bindings.

Pierre Hébert 

I have this situation:

1 panel

with variables in bindings for Position on Grid > Left, Top, Width, Height. 

Via Script i change this variables.

Left and Top are doing right. Width and Height don’t.

Changes take effect when i do e.g.  recent tasks, or start an app or go to edit mode and back.

i have tried this 

with/without use hardware acceleration

with/without Smooth when transformed 

for panel, for desktop and combinations

different devices with marshmallow



it works fine with detached from grid.


Danger for Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

Danger for Lightning Launcher

with Kustom Widget.

1 Page, 1 LockScreen

Tap or scroll up/down to open.

Notifications for

Whatsapp, TypeApp, Gmail, Hangouts and Calls.


will be available soon:
