gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

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min+ for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

min+ for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

3 pages horizontal +1  pages vertical for notifications

Works with or without Statusbar/SoftKeys

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Colored notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself (globals).

Should work with other launchers which can vertical scroll.. 

Wall from G+


Will be available soon for free:


Back on Track ;-)

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

Back on Track 😉

Klippe , free preset for Kustom LWP & LL

ShadesOfKray – Lightning Launcher Theme\Template with Kustom Widget Maker

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

ShadesOfKray – Lightning Launcher Theme\Template with Kustom Widget Maker

Pages for Music, Weather, Agenda and News

+ Notificationpanel and Panel for Favorites.

+ LockScreen (not activated by default)

Horizontal and Vertical Navigation.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys 

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notificationbadges shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is an event on current day you will see a badge right date.

Icons: Flatcon White and Flatcons Black


Available soon:

rock on


blue  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

blue  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher 

Preset without Statusbar and NavKeys.

2 horizontal Sidebars, 1 vertical Notificationpanel and 1 vertical panel for Favorites.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with VerticalScroll).

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for some navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notificationbadges shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is event on current day you will see a badge right date.

Icons: Whicons and White


Will be at Playstore latee this day:

Wall from G+

rock on


ABC LL Collection with KWGT & Tasker

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

ABC LL Collection with KWGT & Tasker

3 of my most succussful Lightning Launcher Templates in 1 Collection.




All Templates uses Lightning Launcher, Kustom Widget and Tasker

Clean uses also Muzei LWP (nit necarry).






Will be available soon at Playstore:

30% off the next 2 Weeks.


city  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

city  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

3 Page Setup. Without Statusbar and NavKeys.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll. Horizontal and Vertical.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with VerticalScroll).

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for some navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Colored Icons shown for missed Stuff for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is event on current day you will see a badge above date.


Will be at Playstore late this day:

Wall from

Notificationpanel inspired by Sebastian Lemke


newWave  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

newWave  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

free preset

🐇 Happy Easter 🐇

Fish, boat and wave are animated by Gyroscope.

Weather is moving continous.

Tap on fish starts Appdrawer. Tap on boat starts chrome.

Without Statusbar and NavKeys.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with VerticalScroll).

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for the Vertical Navigation and Fish/Boat.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications (badges with numbers and colored Text)  shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is event on actual Day you will see a colored calendaricon. Also when alarm is set.


Will be free at Playstore in a few hours:


You’re all i have (YAAIH)  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

You’re all i have (YAAIH)  for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

1 Page Setup. Without Statusbar and NavKeys.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with VerticalScroll).

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for the Vertical Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

2 different Walls

Notifications (badges with numbers and colored Text)  shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is event on actual Day you will see a badge above CalendarIcon.


Will be at Playstore tommorrow:

Walls from:


2B for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Flatcons White

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

2B for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Flatcons White

4 Page Setup. Without Statusbar and NavKeys.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with vertical Scrolll).

If you use other then LL you need to setup the FavoritesPanel, and customize Touch for the Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.


Available later this Day:


pureRED for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

pureRED for Kustom with Lightning Launcher & Whicons

4 Page Setup. Without Statusbar and NavKeys.

Navigation by Tap or Scroll.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers.

If you use other then LL you need to setup the AppPanel, and customize Touch for the Navigation.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is event on actual Day you will see a Batch above Date.


