KyungJoon Lee
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OS: ICS 4.04
LLX v8.2.1 Big blue
Bug1 – Unable to make shortcut of LL Desktop & Postion
Bug2 – Unable to add “Launch app” action to some gesture.
When adding a shortcut of “LL Desktop & position”, I can’t select any desktop by tapping, So if I long tap, I went to that desktop as a result, which is not my purpose.
I know my above occasion is not general, because when I test it on my PC’s Bluestack platform(OS, Android 2.3.4), I could make a shortcut of “LL Desktop & position”.
But in this(on Bluestack) case, some problem was in it. I couldnt make use of that shortcut in other app. I will explain…
I’m a little Tasker user. My use case is as follows.
When I’m in car, my phone’s mode changes to Car-Mode automatically by using NFC or bluetooth of car-audio or just manually pressing some button on phone.
Then Tasker(phome automation app) run some tasks predefined by me, which are for example:
1. Switch LL to car mode == Go to Desktop 2(having big icon button)
2. Turn off Wifi
3. …
Task 1 runs LL’s shortcut(LL Desktop & Position), which is called by other apps(Takser), not by users interaction(pressing icon)
I couldnt make it sucess in this Tasker use case.
If I try to add LLs THAT shortcut(others were no problem) by way of Tasker’s shortcut calling plugin, error happened so coulnt add it.
If you are not familiar with Tasker, you can test it as follow:
Install another Launcher and make it default.
In that launcher’s home, you add shortcut of “LL Desktop & Postion”.
I had a error with no adding result.
So my guess/dobut is, LL’s that shortcut might use abnormal process to return result. -,- just my thinking.
P.S why is THAT shortcut’s name “Desktop & Position”?
At first, I thought I can select Desktop N and that desktop’s page psition. ie, one desktop has many section(page? screen? whatever) around home part. I thought “Postion” means that…
If it’s not, is Desktop*’s* postion(or selection)” more suittable? ^_^
I coundnt assign “Lauch app” action in tapping or double tapping on empty space(maybe other gesture like swipe)
]]>Hi, LL users
((English is not my mother-father-tongue ^^)
My situation is as follows:
I set up 10 more folders in “My Drawer”, and placed all my apps to their relavant folder. It was a little tedius job.
But in current, these folders are no use in Desktops AFAIK.
I wanted to add some foders(created in My Drawer) to Desktop, but I couldn’t. I had to recreate folders in Desktop again…
Folders of Desktop and Draw are absolutly independent.
How about providing LL’s shortcut of “My Drawer’s some Folder”. If then, we can use LL’s drawer folder in Desktop and other app.
For example,
I had used LMT launcher with other normal (Go, Nemus) launchers before meeting LL.
LMT is always behind the screen, and if user swipes screen edge, its pop menu is open. The good thing is that we can access menu in any time (not only on laucher screen, but also on normal app’s window)
I’ve used “Smart shorcuts” app, which provide shortcuts of app folders((Smartshorcuts calls it as TAG) and and added its shortcut(of app folder) to LMT’s pie menu. So in any screen I can lauch any app without exiting to laucher.
As a result, I have two independent app category systems in LL’s My Drawer and Smart shortcuts. If LL provide shotcut of Drawer folder, it could be very easy to set up menu system in LLs Desktop itself and other floating laucher or etc….
Request Feature:
Shortcut of “My Drawer’s Folder”