Daniel Roberts

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Is there any way with scripting to pull the next alarm time information?

Is there any way with scripting to pull the next alarm time information? I want to store this as text on the screen. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, I assume someone must have already done this? Thanks for your help.

Is there a way to stop LL extreme adding an icon for newly installed apps to the desktop?

Is there a way to stop LL extreme adding an icon for newly installed apps to the desktop?

Auto closing folders.

Auto closing folders.

Hi, I gave tinkered with LL for a while (but no scripting etc.). One thing I struggle with is that I have a number of folders, but when I open a folder abd select an app the folder stays open. (I would need to tap the folder icon for the folder window to close).

Is there any way to make it so folders close whenever an app is selected or another folder us opened?

Any help/suggestions are appreciated.