Jayson Grube
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Benoît de Chezelles (bew)
Chris Chastain
Custard “Fab” Addict
gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)
Jacob Barton
Jappie Toutenhoofd
Jay M
Karsten Franke
Kishor Rao
KyungJoon Lee
Lutz Linke
Masaoka Taro
Pierre Hébert
Ren Shore
Roger Schreuders
Simone Boccuzzi (KLR)
This doesn’t seem normal to me.
This doesn’t seem normal to me. I have apps pinned to the screen and some widgets go over the top of them when I move to different pages making impossible to use the pinned widgets in some locations. Anyway to keep pinned icons on top? One random feature I can’t figure out..