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I seem to be having an issue.

I seem to be having an issue. Once a page or desktop is full, i am not able to swipe to change pages or desktop. I will be very grateful if someone has a fix/work around… or really anything better keke. Thank you for your time in advance.


Oi, another question.

Oi, another question. Is there a way to set a standard color for icon and background, so that when you add an app to desktop, it is already configured the way you want? Thank you in advance.


Is there a way too add a unread count badge to an app icon?

Is there a way too add a unread count badge to an app icon? I only see a way to make a badge, but not how to show icon too and link to app. Thank you for your tone


I was wondering if there is a way to save or export the themes i make into personal preset thems, or into an app so…

I was wondering if there is a way to save or export the themes i make into personal preset thems, or into an app so other people may use it. Thank you for your time.
