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As demanded. You choose.

As demanded. You choose.

(I know it have weird line in the middle of roof, but it’s late and I don’t care :P)


Another version. IMO much better than first.

Another version. IMO much better than first.


Joining the party :)

Joining the party 🙂


I wonder how hard to implement would be blur effect under panels. Is it even possible?

I wonder how hard to implement would be blur effect under panels. Is it even possible?


Is there a way to set clipboard content (string) as script variable?

Is there a way to set clipboard content (string) as script variable?


OK, tried to start with scripting – but need help.

OK, tried to start with scripting – but need help. I want certain item (panel in this case) to be pinned when some event occurs, but in API didin’t found nothing related to pinned/unpinned state. How to get item pinned state and modify it?


Is it possible (maybe with script) to set panel with automatically updated content – for example only freshly…

Is it possible (maybe with script) to set panel with automatically updated content – for example only freshly installed apps, or apps which name starts with “a” etc. ?


Is there a way to disable all drawer views, except custom one?

Is there a way to disable all drawer views, except custom one?


I have desktop with panels covering near all space.

I have desktop with panels covering near all space. On all panels I have disabled scrolling, but still can’t scroll desktop. Is it even possible, or empty desktop space is necessary for this?
