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Two related problems with the Customizing Item screen. This is the same in both 7.11 and 7.91.

Two related problems with the Customizing Item screen. This is the same in both 7.11 and 7.91.

1. It is possible to pull the settings part of the screen below the navigation bar where it can’t be retrieved.

2. If the icon is large enough in the vertical direction then when you go to the Customizing Item screen the settings will not show at all. I imagine this is because it has been forced below the navigation bar.


Setting the Home Button to Launch an App does not work in 7.91. This works in 7.11.

Setting the Home Button to Launch an App does not work in 7.91. This works in 7.11.

The problem seems to be that in 7.91 when you choose the app from Lightning Drawer instead of returning to LL the choosen app is opened.

(I’m guessing that this is just something that isn’t wired up yet…)


The “Configure desktop” setting shows only 5 of the 10 screens I have configured.

The “Configure desktop” setting shows only 5 of the 10 screens I have configured. These screens were configured before setting were imported to LL Extreme. 

If I add an LL Screen Switcher list widget this also shows only 5 screens until I go to Widget Options › Select Visible Screens. Here all 10 screens are already selected as they should be. When I return to the main screen all 10 screens are now showing in the visible widget.
