Chris Chastain

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On installation of the beta, all my 9 patch files disappeared. Tried everything including re-applying them. Still no luck. Can anyone confirm or deny? Thanks.



Originally shared by Chris Chastain


+Danbar Danbar, if you put your dock items inside a panel that does not rotate, with the dock line at top, and enable rotation for items within panel, it might work for you. Pin the panel, and enable scrolling for panel, if needed. Here’s a quick example:


SmoothglAss LLX

SmoothglAss LLX

This theme uses transparently colored panels on home screen and black and white wallpaper. Should work fine with any B&W wallpaper you choose. I tried to make sure that everything is placed on grid, so hopefully this will translate much more easily to different screen sizes.

Should also work fairly well in landscape mode.

Panels “open” and “close” with same button, for a toggle effect.

Script on home button will return all panels to home (closed) position.

Left side, dual pane, parallax scrolling menu bars.

9-patch buttons, folders, and panels.

Double-tap home screen to zoom way out for cover page-type functionality. Home button zooms back to home.

I like the “cover page” theory, because sitting at the pub or whatever, the lock screen times out.

Both scripts courtesy of our neighborhood wizard TrianguloY

Widgets in screenshots are:

UCCW, Android Tuner Pro, PlayerPro, and the rest are LLX Dynamic Text

Font used throughout: Sui Generis


Template –

Apk – to come (maybe)

This may take massive tweaking for your particular screen size. Not sure.

Parallax scrolling for side panel should work. Home button script to reset all panels won’t, but it’s trivial to apply it yourself using trianguloY’s multi-container bookmark script (available the script repository)

If I can resolve this, the apk will follow.


AngleSlide LLX template.

AngleSlide LLX template.

The angled panels around the diamond shape can be slid out, or by taping on the title label they will slide out to the correct column.

Lockscreen unlocks by taping center.

App Drawer is in center of home page. Long-taping app drawer icon closes all panels to home position, via script by TrianguloY

The panel at the dock position at bottom can also be scrolled vertically, or tap the label text to be taken to correct position. Tried to show this in video.

Download will be available when I figure out how to make script use item labels instead of item id, so it will be valid on another device ;-)


Another Template with the DualEdge type interface, only this one uses a slide up “cover page”.

Another Template with the DualEdge type interface, only this one uses a slide up “cover page”. Also it’s theme is weirdly pink. B )

The cover page can slide down over the desktop to look even more minimal, while leaving your music player (for instance) showing.

Has plenty of scrollable folders for apps, folders for your widgets, scrollable dock, etc. Dynamic Text used for clock, battery, date, etc.

As usual, created on my crappy 480×800 device so YMMV. Sorry, I hate it too.

Download APK:

Download template:

Download UCCW 5 day forecast for import:




I am again having problems with widgets updating when in folders.

Anyone else?




+Danbar Danbar, if you put your dock items inside a panel that does not rotate, with the dock line at top, and enable rotation for items within panel, it might work for you. Pin the panel, and enable scrolling for panel, if needed. Here’s a quick example:


I just noticed that while rotating Dynamic Text, going from 67° to 68° the text changes.

I just noticed that while rotating Dynamic Text, going from 67° to 68° the text changes. It’s almost like it goes to bold, but it happens whether it starts out as bold or normal.

V 9.9.10


[Solved] – 9.9.8b

[Solved] – 9.9.8b

9.9.7b breaks bookmarks within panels, maybe others?


Newly created bookmark to desktop works fine. Existing bookmark in panel, to position within same panel is broken. Also newly created panel bookmarks don’t work either, just checked.


Pierre Hébert, would it be “expensive” and/or complicated to add gradient in places where we currently choose color…

Pierre Hébert, would it be “expensive” and/or complicated to add gradient in places where we currently choose color and alpha?

I envision a bar with endpoints and a center point. Endpoints would have color/alpha choice (using current picker) and center point would just move to adjust blend point and perhaps a variable width of cut off/blend.

…And just to judge interest, how about a +1 from those of you who might appreciate this as a much lighter weight alternative to wallpaper or 9 patch? :-)
