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LL Tasker Plugins and variables
Since a good deal of advanced LL users, take advantage of the dual nature of the wallpaper in LL, I had an idea.
By dual nature of wallpaper I do not mean that each screen can have its own wallpaper. I mean that each screen can show a Per-Screen wallpaper and System Wallpaper.
This has allowed for some pretty interesting layout tricks, where Live Wallpapers can be used as system wallpaper and PNG based images with transparent sections can be used on Per-Screen Wallpaper.
This allows for an effect where the Per-Screen wallpaper has a transparent window that can see the LiveWallpaper behind it.
I have started toying with the idea of a dynamic color desktop layout.
Meaning that the colors of all the widgets would change depending on predefined events or circumstances.
Zooper allows for this pretty well already, and combining tasker with it is allowing for some pretty cool stuff.
In tasker I can change the system wallpaper, so long as its static. Live Wallpapers are a lot more tricky and seem to require root.
What I cant change is the Per-Screen Wallpaper in 3rd party launchers.
Here is what I suggest. Add two new features into LL.
One – Allow the Per-Screen Wallpaper selection section to have a 2nd option for a tasker variable. IE you dont pick your wallpaper, you just type in a tasker variable. Tasker would then assign the wallpaper depending on the events you have setup.
Two – Give all of the fields in LL’s settings that allow for the choice of color (fonts, borders, ect) the ability to enter in a Tasker Variable.
Since LL not only allows for multi screen layouts but for multi-desktop layouts. It could really take advantage of Tasker.
I know a good deal of us use our phones in our cars.
I also know that a good deal of us have tried out various Car Launcher, only to later un-install them, because they make our eyes bleed they are so boring and/or ugly.
Imaging having two separate desktops in LL, one for your normal desktop and another for when you are driving. Now imagine that all it takes to switch to your car home, is getting into your car.
This can be done easily by stating in tasker to switch to car-launcher desktop when connected to this Bluetooth. Or if you dont have BT, when the accelerometer of your phone detects speeds above say 7mph.
This is just scratching the surface of what tasker integration could do and Im sure you could think of a few things yourself.
Let me hear them in the comments below.
]]>Hey Guys, I want to test out the power of a community PUSH for update requests.
Please reshare this link in your streams and make sure to add #WheresTheLinks
Since the mobile app of Google+ does not show the links in the About this community panel, I have created this section to house all of the same info.
Please do not post in this section, so that this info is not lost among other posts.
A community page for ideas and discussions about Lightning Launcher, bug reports, and showing off your layouts.
If you would like to join the beta build team, please click on the link below.
For bug reports and feature suggestions, please post them first in their respective sections, before submitting through the forms below.
If a bug is confirmed by another user or if your bug is a crash related event, please click the “Bug Reports” link below.
For feature suggestions, please post in the “Feature Suggestion” section first to see if the feature already exists and another user can show you where/how. If you are certain the feature does not exist please use to the form below to suggest it.
New Feature Voting Status Chart
Vote on new Features Form
Submit a Feature Request Form
Bug Reports Form
Download Beta ( 2 links : normal; extrem vers )
TODOs and known feature requests
Some Quick Etiquette Suggestions to Keep Things Organized
I can’t believe how quickly this community is growing, we’re already over 100 users. As the community continues to grow, this page is going to get out of control pretty quick. We have added a few sections to try and keep things organized as much as possible.
You will find a permanent copy of this including links in a URL just above the Lightning Launcher logo on this page.
On the Top Left hand side of the page you should find the About this Community panel. This panel should always contain links to various forms and the latest beta downloads. Eventually this will contain the link to the beta signup through the Google Play Store.
Google Plus can be a bit quirky with regard to this panel and it will sometimes start sliding down the page. This is usually caused by clicking on the little “5 New Posts” balloon . To fix this all you should need to do is click the refresh button in your browser window and About this community should be back at the top left.
Bug Submissions
For bug submissions please first check the Known Bug List link in About this community . If your bug is not in the list, then post your findings in the “REPORT A BUG” section on this page. The reason for this is that your bug, might not be a bug at all and might be a “feature”. :º)
If your bug is confirmed by another user or if the bug is a crash related bug please fill out the “Bug Reports Form”
Feature Requests
As with bug reports, please check the “New Feature Voting Status Chart” first to see if someone else has already submitted your idea.
If you do not see your idea in the list, then post your new feature idea in the “Feature Suggestion” section. Its entirely possible with this launcher that your idea is already implemented and you just don’t know how to do it. Trust me, it happens to the best of us.
If you are positive that the feature is not already implemented, then please submit your feature idea through the “Submit a Feature Request Form” .
Other Sections
Please try your best to put your posts in the appropriate section. While the mods here can move your posts, it would be nice if we didn’t need to constantly clean up.
This section should be used strictly for discussing lightning launcher and or asking questions.
Share your Screens
If you want to show off your latest work in Lightning Launcher, this is the place to do it.
If you found a new trick and what to tell other users how to accomplish it, then this is your section.
App Update News
You should pretty much NEVER post to this section. This section should be reserved for the developer to post updates on new builds. This section needs to stay clean and organized.
]]>Pierre Hébert
BUG LL Extreme
I am seeing some issues with Widgets not updating.
All I am using is Zooper so I cant speak to other widgets.
Editing my Zooper widgets does not seem to update on the desktop until I kill LL and then open it again.
Also some of my dynamic widgets are also not updating. For example I have a music widget where the play button changes to a pause button when music is playing. It works flawlessly in other launchers as it did in LL before I installed the beta.
Whats odd is that other dynamic aspects of the widget do update. My track meter progress bar is updating as expected when I start playing a track.
]]>Using the new Lightning Launcher Extreme, I am getting some issues with interactions for items on my desktop.
If I put a new widget or shortcut down, I can not interact with it. I can not tap it, or edit it in edit mode.
Changing something in the settings such as the wallpaper or the grid size, seems to fix it, but as soon as I add another item, that new item can not be interacted with.
I have found a work around right now that seems to work every time. If I add the widget or shortcut I wish to have, I have to add another widget or shortcut afterwards. The previously added item then becomes editable and capable of interaction.
Anyone else seeing this bug?
]]>Alright everyone, I have setup several links in the “About this community” section.
You should see 3 links for forms.
There is a vote, which does not contain much right now.
There is a feature request. Feature requests will be moved to the vote form as they are added. NOT INSTANTLY
There is also a bug report.
*If you think you have a bug, please post it here on the community under REPORT A BUG FIRST. Your bug may not be a bug and may be something you are doing wrong, see if someone can help you resolve it here first.
All of these forms feed into spreadsheets that that Peirre has access to.
]]>Pierre Hébert You might want to drop word on your Facebook page that there is now a Google+ community.
Hello to all new Members.
Pierre is interested in replacing his Screenshots for the app on the Playstore as they dont really show off what LL is capable of.
If you would like a chance for your theme to be shown off alongside LL in its screenshots please feel free to submit images of your LL themes in the “Share your Screen” section.
]]>Alright boys and girls lets start spreading the word that this community is open.
Pierre is interested in replacing the screenshots of the app inside of the Playstore. Let people know to join this community and then share their LL work for a chance for it to be shown off in the market.