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Another feature request that I hope I haven’t overlooked; the ability to retain styles after restoring backups.

Another feature request that I hope I haven’t overlooked; the ability to retain styles after restoring backups. For example, I have a template from Lutz and if I save any customizations via “Save a Style” if I Apply the template again, it overwrites any customizations I have made. I hope there is a way to save user customizations into a separate area that cant be over written by newly applied templates. Thanks!


Hello all.

Hello all. Long time reader, first time poster… I am still very green to LLX but love it. It ranks up there with Titanium for must have apps. Anyway, after some playing I thought I would post a couple things I would love to see. I apologize if  they are already there and my newbliness kept me from seeing them or if they have already been suggested and shot down.

1) Performing multiple actions for items and gestures.  

2) Though the lockscreen is very new, I hope that certain widgets that are automatically loaded once an app is launched can be implemented. One example is the netflix widget.

3) Add a way to just hide the status bar without showing it with the menu button. 

Thank you much for your hard work and dedication to the only launcher that gives true freedom to customize the look and functionality of my home screen. 
