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Another feature request: a swipe from edge option.

Another feature request: a swipe from edge option. That way one can create sliding folders and have them open when you swipe in from an edge. The normal swiping option would then happen when you start swiping further away from the edge. (Ideally there’d be a setting in LL that allows you to specify percent or pixels for the edge swipe area).

(disclosure: I have only started with LL a few days ago and there may be ways to do this that I haven’t found yet.)


Perhaps it’s possible to extend the dynamic text objects with geometry settings?

Perhaps it’s possible to extend the dynamic text objects with geometry settings? I have a clock made with Zooper that has a few lines sideways, and apart from that I could do away with Zooper as everything else can be built in LL.

Also, how about being able to set upper/lower case for a dynamic text object?
