Ren Shore

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Use this image to fix your status bar gradient when transparency is on..

Use this image to fix your status bar gradient when transparency is on..

Add an item and set this as the background image. Hide label and icon.

Detach item from grid and set as follows:

height to the height of your status bar (probably 50), width=the width of your screen, top=0, left=0, transparency to 150 because I made it too dark


Pierre Hébert​ its feature suggestion time!

Pierre Hébert​ its feature suggestion time!

1) Add a ‘class’ option for items

2) Add the ability to use CSS to style items by class, ID, Name, or label

This would allow for changing styles quickly for multiple items all at once without changing all items in a container

Say you have a list of items separated into categories and have items as labels. This would allow adjusting all of the labels at once without using “Copy style” for each label


So this happened…

So this happened…


Couldn’t resist doing a mockup of the spinning menu icon

Couldn’t resist doing a mockup of the spinning menu icon


Its been a while.. Someone remind me how to get item.setName() to save?

Its been a while.. Someone remind me how to get item.setName() to save?


Forgot the text on the popup when changing an items name.. It still says ‘label’

Forgot the text on the popup when changing an items name.. It still says ‘label’


How do I find the extras of “has extras”?

How do I find the extras of “has extras”?

Just used this:



request for some scripty bits for screen size compatibility..

request for some scripty bits for screen size compatibility..

I suppose you could put them under the Android object.

For screen size when transparent with content overlap:

.getStatusBarHeight() .getNavBarHeight()

For misc layout junk:

.getActionBarHeight() .getDensity()

the reason..  I tested some of my scripts (built for 720×1280) on a phone that was 480×800 and both item.setPosition() and item.setSize() go wonky.. for other possibilities.. 


I’d like an option to delete fonts (long press?)

I’d like an option to delete fonts (long press?)

I’ve got a bunch that I don’t use


Just ideas…

Just ideas…
