Jappie Toutenhoofd

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Bind-ed variables in folder-title are not updated instantly like in shortcut-title.

Bind-ed variables in folder-title are not updated instantly like in shortcut-title.

Only after restart of LL new value is reflecred.

This might be case for last few versions, but has worked instantly before.


since “notification badges” are requested more and more, I did a little investigation.

since “notification badges” are requested more and more, I did a little investigation.

An option would be this one.

Please follow the link to the API calls.

I would be fiddling for half a year before I’d get it to work myself. Could someone set me up with a working “proof of concept”

Lukas Morawietz​ Pierre Hébert​


Would it be possible and would you be willing, to make LL.Pickcolor accessible from CustomView?

Would it be possible and would you be willing, to make LL.Pickcolor accessible from CustomView?


var cp = new Button(context);

cp.setPadding(20, 0, 20, 0);


onClick: function(cp) {

item.setTag( “fnl” , LL.Pickcolor(“Mytest”,0x99332211,True));

} });


When Lukas Morawietz​ posted the first version of his “Blur script” without the picture.

When Lukas Morawietz​ posted the first version of his “Blur script” without the picture. I thought he made something like this.

This is just a little PoC too. Scaling this thing is harder then I imagined.


TrianguloY​Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD​

TrianguloY​Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD​

Made a little instruction video

For later reference: Script is by TrianguloY​


The day- and month-names can be done in local language taken from your phone/tablet language.

The day- and month-names can be done in local language taken from your phone/tablet language.

One problem: It won’t show 3letter day-names.

Is it my ROM or my language ??

Please try code below and share your result.

EDIT, Specs: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns


Okay, challeged by TrianguloY​I will cause the next big thing. ;-)

Okay, challeged by TrianguloY​I will cause the next big thing. 😉

analoge clock binding.

search xda and other watch face Repo’s for pics.


Because there are LL-users using Zooper for this. :-(

Originally shared by Jappie Toutenhoofd

Because there are LL-users using Zooper for this. 🙁


after the setting binding from script, please don’t forget my setFocus request.

after the setting binding from script, please don’t forget my setFocus request.


