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Hello, please forgive me if this has been covered, but is there a way to have shortcuts to alternate app draw views

Hello, please forgive me if this has been covered, but is there a way to have shortcuts to alternate app draw views


Shortcut1> My Drawer

Shortcut2> Often used

Shortcut3> Alphabetical

and so on



Hi, on my AndroidTV box some features seem to be missing like add item/panel, and container gesture/events in…

Hi, on my AndroidTV box some features seem to be missing like add item/panel, and container gesture/events in customise menu… is there a log I can email through?



Long press folder/Folder Options/Appearance/Items/+/..*whatever setting

Long press folder/Folder Options/Appearance/Items/+/..*whatever setting

Does not equal

Long press folder/Customise/More/+/..*whatever setting

Not sure if that’s a bug, and/or if device specific, bit found the similarity in Ui confusing


ALPS 9300

SYSTEM (Android 4.1.1)

Model: 9300

Manufacturer: alps

Device: qishang77_cu_ics2

Product: qishang77_cu_ics2

Brand: alps

Android Version: 4.1.1 (Ice Cream Sandwich)

API Level: 15

Build ID: IMM76D

Fingerprint: alps/qishang77_cu_ics2/qishang77_cu_ics2:4.0.4/IMM76D/1361501598:user/test-keys

DISPLAY (854×480)

Size: 854×480

Refresh Rate: 52.32 Hz

Default Orientation: Portrait

Physical Size: 4.08″ (10.37 cm)

Logical Size: Normal

Density: 240 dpi (High)

Pixels Per Inch: X: 240; Y: 240


Processor: ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)

Cores: 2

Max Frequency: 1001 Mhz

Instruction Sets: armeabi-v7a, armeabi

SIMD Instructions: NEON


System RAM: 470 MB

JVM Max Memory: 64 MB

Internal Storage: 204 MB

External Storage: 6194 MB (Removable)
