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Benoît de Chezelles (bew)
Chris Chastain
Custard “Fab” Addict
gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)
Jacob Barton
Jappie Toutenhoofd
Jay M
Karsten Franke
Kishor Rao
KyungJoon Lee
Lutz Linke
Masaoka Taro
Pierre Hébert
Ren Shore
Roger Schreuders
Simone Boccuzzi (KLR)
Congrats! Pierre Hébert Lightning is growing more faster and becoming popular. I’m seeing new people switching to Lightning;-)
Is there any event which would run a script when open a folder
Is there any event which would run a script when open a folder
Can anyone explainbme the error.
Can anyone explainbme the error.
I created an FAB widget and scripted it to rotate it by45° to get this error.
]]>I have some script which I want to run always (24*7).
I have some script which I want to run always (24*7). Is thre some out to do it. Does LLX has such option OR I need to use Tasker.
(It is regarding animation, much similar to the one posted by Patryk Goworowski last time)