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So lately I’ve been trying out a minimal style for my setup: going so far as to do away with any items at all.

So lately I’ve been trying out a minimal style for my setup: going so far as to do away with any items at all. I actually really like just having the background (muzei hd landscapes) and opening the app drawer with a single tap.

I’m now exploring ways of representing data without icons or text. Currently I’m experimenting with panels with transparent color backgrounds to represent weather information. I wonder if it would be possible to apply a sort of filter to the background instead.

Ideally I’d want something akin to shaders you get in 3D applications/games. It would be perfect if I could, say, desaturate the image a bit when it’s cloudy or apply a blue hue when it rains etc. It is probably achievable using a muzei plugin but I have no clue how to make something like that.

Just wondering what you smart people can think of really.


Sometimes when using fit to items with stay to page boundaries disabled the items will be off screen.

Sometimes when using fit to items with stay to page boundaries disabled the items will be off screen. This usually happens when screen rotation occurs and apps are closed to return to the desktop. This requires quite a bit of scrolling upwards to bring them into view.


How would I run a method of a script from a particular event?

How would I run a method of a script from a particular event? I’d rather not create a new script for every little event.


Having quite a few issues recently.

Having quite a few issues recently. Long pressing on items/text does nothing but on containers it shows the menu as expected. The panel with widgets still isn’t letting me have dual positions.

It would also be nice if the rearrange items feature supported items and containers of different sizes. I have a 1 column wide panel with items in that are separated by text headings. The items are 6 grid rows tall (40px per row) while the headings are only 2 rows. I’d also like to have a panel or custom view in there maybe around 10 rows tall.


Is there a fix for the crash issue when zooming while a script is set on the position changed event?

Is there a fix for the crash issue when zooming while a script is set on the position changed event? A way to disable the script while zooming would work fine for me. Would actually be better if I could just attach a script to the desktop and set the events in the code so I could have more control over the events and have global variables to reduce api calls. I’d assume that would be possible?


Having issues recently that make LL pretty much unusable.

Having issues recently that make LL pretty much unusable. I’m not really sure why but every time I try to scroll the desktop LL crashes. Whenever I try to edit an off screen item it crashes. I thought it may be my script but it still happens after disabling it. I really have no idea what is causing it to crash.


Can you make it so a long tap on the center dot of the geometry editor thingy goes backwards through the properties?

Can you make it so a long tap on the center dot of the geometry editor thingy goes backwards through the properties? Oh and is it possible to add google inbox to the dynamic text thing? I have marked all my mail as done but the text still says I have unread mail (done != read).


I feel like the post categories for the community could do with some work.

I feel like the post categories for the community could do with some work. I’ve seen quite a few people posting in the wrong category and its often quite hard to know which one to post in.

Here are the categories I think would work better (mostly very similar):

All Posts

News (mods only)

Get Help

Report a Bug

Suggest a Feature

Express Your Opinion

Share your setup

Translate LL



Custom Views

With those categories, it should be easier to find certain content. I’m not sure how moderation works on G+ as I have yet to be one but I would suggest a sticky post in each category detailing what to post and then move any misplaced posts to the correct category too so things are kept organized.


Text selection doesn’t work for me in the script editor. Could also do with an undo feature.

Text selection doesn’t work for me in the script editor. Could also do with an undo feature.


How do I set the transparency of an item using a script and set it to be above or below everything else on the…

How do I set the transparency of an item using a script and set it to be above or below everything else on the desktop?
