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Scripted Fade Unlocker

Scripted Fade Unlocker

Hi Pierre, when will  the beta be released that will support the above ? Thanks, Nigel


PIN screen appears before lock screen since last release.

PIN screen appears before lock screen since last release.

SGS5. Since the last LLX release, and using LLX lock screen, when I press the home or power to turn the phone on, the Samsung PIN lock screen appears over the top of the lock screen for around half a second. Really annoying. Is there a reason why this should happen ?

Previously the phone would light up to the LLX lock screen, and then once I slid the unlocker, the PIN screen would appear.

Ram, space, other apps all ok, no other new changes.


Galaxy S5 and LLX Lock Screen Problem:-

Galaxy S5 and LLX Lock Screen Problem:-

Can anyone who uses LLX lock screen and a Galaxy S5 tell me if you have the same problem please ?

Phone PIN code set to off.

Press home or on button to light phone up.

Lock screen appears.

Don’t unlock.

Press soft key to show the “Recent Apps” list.

Select one of the recent apps off the list i.e. gmail,

once in this app, press the back button.

You are now NOT returned to the lock screen but to the Home page on the desktop.

Press button to turn off phone.


Press home or on button – no lock screen any more.

You then have to press the home button whilst on the home desktop in order to make the lock screen work again, otherwise it is permanently disabled.

NOTE- if you have a PIN code set, this wont happen, as the PIN security disables the “Recent Apps” list.




Colour picker shows no colour picker, and you can’t change the colour

Colour picker shows no colour picker, and you can’t change the colour


Colour picker for tinting desktops just shows a box with the hex value and an empty screen.

Colour picker for tinting desktops just shows a box with the hex value and an empty screen. You can over the empty screen to change the hex value – but you don’t know what the colour is, then when you select ok it remains as your current colour.


Unlock to different desktops from the lock screen.

Unlock to different desktops from the lock screen.

Using LLX lock screen, how can I configure gestures or the unlocker to unlock to different desktops ?

Example, swipe right for my daytime desktop, swipe left for my running desktop.

I can configure gestures, let’s say right swipe, to directly load an application from the lock screen, and that works fine. However, I cannot seem to get any Lightning shortcuts to work from the lockscreen.  If they worked, I could have used goto desktop and page, or a desktop bookmark. It seems as if all the lightning shortcuts require the desktop to be unlocked first, wheras it does allow other apps to be loaded directly without issue.

I don’t use scripts, is there any other way I can work around this or is it a bug ?






Is there going to be any further development around this, i.e. other unlock icon styles and functionality ? Everything seems to be going down the scripting route, but that’s not for everyone…


Lock Screen Compatibility With Notification Apps.

Lock Screen Compatibility With Notification Apps.

I use LLX lock screen with NILS Notification app. However, the developer (Roymam) has told me NILS FP is not compatible with LLX Lock screen because the lock screen is not identifiable as a lock screen within his app, and it is just part of the general LLX desktop. So I tried the Floatify notifications app, and the same happens there. As a key feature of a lock screen is the capacity to display notifications, is there any way possible to identify the lock screen actually as a lock screen from these other apps ?




Almost the most expensive app ever!

Almost the most expensive app ever!

Dynamic Text Time Failing To Update.

Just arrived at Malaga airport and almost missed the flight because the Dynamic Text does not update when you change time zone!


In UK and dynamic text time on my lockscreen is aligned with the time on my phone. All ok.

Turn phone off, get on plane and fly to Spain.

Turn on phone at destination.

Actual time on phone is auto updated to Spanish time, but the Dynamic Text still remains at UK time. So at this point the dynamic text is now an hour behind. I never realise this as I have the status bar hidden.

It looks to me like the dynamic text is updated the instance the phone is turned on, in the new time zone, BEFORE the phone has picked up the roaming network and re-set the actual android phone time.

Exactly the same happened when I returned home – got off the plane  in the UK and it was now an hour in front, showing Spanish time.

Any ideas ? If it wasn’t for my persuasion this would have cost me an extra 130 Euros..


Lock Screen keeps disabling.

Lock Screen keeps disabling.

This happens to me a few times each day, and I now know how to replicate it:-

If I am in an app (app having current focus) and the screen times out or I lock it, and then a notification appears, the lock screen fails to display. From this point onwards the lock screen no longer works unless I reload LLX (selecting the llx icon from the app drawer does it) , or manually navigate to the lock screen page.

Any ideas ?
