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It doesn’t appear that anyone reported this bug but it’s there even after this update.

It doesn’t appear that anyone reported this bug but it’s there even after this update. Quite similar to the bug I reported awhile back where if we scroll through the apps drawer from first to last page and then scroll again to the first page the apps disappear. While that bug is gone there’s a new bug that replaces it where nothing happens when I click on an app. To fix this I just scroll to page 2 and then back to page 1. This is with seamless mode on, swyping left horizontally. 


I thought I’d report this even though it has literally almost nothing to do with lightning launcher,but I thought…

I thought I’d report this even though it has literally almost nothing to do with lightning launcher,but I thought I’d post here anyway since there’s so many android users who have had more than 1 device with various android versions. On top of this I think Pierre Hébert​ would love to read about this. But anyway, here we go…..

For those who don’t already know I’m running Android 4.1.1 and I can say that My tablet is used, it acts like it’s 80 years old when I only had it about 2 years. I’m very upset that a computer can last 15 years without needing to be replaced but I can’t keep a tablet 6 months without people telling me that it’s old and to upgrade. How can it be that old? My computer was at least 15 before it finally gave up. What upset me the most is that I wasn’t seeing features that I should be because nobody supports 4.1,which I think is just wrong. I don’t feel I should have to upgrade my device just to see the features when they should be available to me as well. My device isn’t that old. This is just how I always felt.

(Now here’s where it gets exciting) just a few weeks ago a friend of mine came acrossed a fortune and he decided to send quite allot of stuff in the mail. Well just 4 days ago my tablet was busted in a struggle with my browser. The volume up button doesn’t work anymore, this tablet acts like it’s 80 years old, I can’t get it to just work, I can’t root it….. It’s already pissed me off (and that’s saying it nicely by the way) to the point where I’m about to bust this goddamn thing over my knee, spit on it, and beat the hell out of a neighbor just so I can take his car and run this thing over a few times. It’s done, garbage, out of here…. I have had it with this piece of shit. It’s time I bought a new one. Note I’m starting to understand why nobody wants to support 4.1.

Well now I’m looking into a 5.2. But I can’t figure out what tablet to buy. One of the things I did like about this tablet is that it had 1 dedicated charger port and one micro USB port for otg. That’s kinda what I would like to get in my new tablet, though I doubt I’ll ever get that again because everything is on 1 port with these new devices.

This is how I made my decision : half of what I wanted to do required 4.3+ and /or root access so I thought I I’ll look into 4.3 just to avoid a conflict. But then I realized everyone else is on a 5.0+already so there’s still going to be people telling me that I need to upgrade. So I think I’ll just avoid 4.3. But I refuse to go with 4.4 just because I shouldn’t have to root my device just to get the only app in the play store that would write to my external storage on 4.1 to also write on 4.4 (by the way 100million apps in the play store swearing that they can write to my external storage yet only one was able to actually do it?), but I don’t think I’d be happy with 5.0 or 5.1 because too many people were having problems. So I’ll just hit 5.2 (or the absolute latest that’s out right now).

I know I need 2 cameras (1 for video chat and 1 for pictures)

10 inch screen minimum (if I can go 12 that will be even better)

Otg (optional)

I’m thinking maybe a 4 or 5gb of ram because 1gb wasn’t doing the job)

16 – 32gb internal storage (though I hear they have 64gb which would be better)

I wanna be able to root the damn thing just in case (I don’t feel I should have to, I just want to do I’ll need a tablet I can root)

The only problem I’m facing is that I’ve found only 1 store that will even sell a 5.0 and I don’t even want a 5.0. The highest any other store carries is 4.4 and like I said I refuse to get one.

Corey Spell​ maybe you can help me out here since you’re the only one I know in the community who lives near me (anyone else live in USA?) .

But there’s my story. I have some money coming in and I need a new tablet. I’m looking for help with what tablet to get and what store would sell it. I have until 6 days from the exact time of this post to find one. =-(

(it’s a help request but I’ll post this in discussion since it has almost nothing to do with lightning launcher)


Just curious on something….

Just curious on something….

I don’t remember off hand if this was brought up before but just in case. I was wondering though if it’s possible to make these 2 settings global so it’s a “set and forget” thing? It seems for every desktop I create (and even in the app drawer and floating desktop) I have to constantly set this so my wallpaper will fit and it’s annoying. Making these 2 settings global would fix that because instead of applying the change only to the current desktop the change would take place for all, preventing the need to constantly go into settings.


either this was just recently done or i missed it but awhile back i mentioned how desktop wallpapers were messed up

either this was just recently done or i missed it but awhile back i mentioned how desktop wallpapers were messed up …. well i just noticed it was fixed. thanks


I dont think anyone is going to believe me but there is in fact a third party lockscreen that actually uses secure…

I dont think anyone is going to believe me but there is in fact a third party lockscreen that actually uses secure locking (it has pin as well as pattern). See for yourself right here, no widget support but it works great so far. widget locker is the next best (widget support but no secure lock) and both can/will disable status bar/notification tray as well as the home, back and recent apps buttons. I guess its possible to have a secure third party lockscreen?

Something has been plaguing me since my first use of the free lightning launcher, and has been on the paid as well…

Something has been plaguing me since my first use of the free lightning launcher, and has been on the paid as well since my first day with it as well. I couldnt figure out if it was a bug or if it was supposed to be like that…. or if my device is just a piece of garbage. In any case this report is with resizing items (any item).

While in edit mode

1. Detach the item from the grid

2. Tap the item until the 4 arrows appear

If i understand correctly by dragging an arrow in 1 direction stretches the widget in the direction, however that has not been the case.

If you move the top or left arrows, the item stretches, but bottom or right arrows just make the whole item bigger. For me the fix for that was to move the item until the right and bottom sides are where i want them to be THEN detach the item and stretch only the top and left sides.

This was never reported only because it appeared that nobody else had this experience and maybe it was just me. But now i feel like i should have reported it.

Is this just an issue with my device?


Not sure if this was addressed or not but ever since the implementation of seamless mode the app drawer seems to not…

Not sure if this was addressed or not but ever since the implementation of seamless mode the app drawer seems to not like going back to the first page (the page is blank). This behavior holds no prejudice as it happens in ANY scroll mode with ANY seamless mode checked.

To repruduce:

1. Choose the scroll mode (horizontal/vertical)

2.set the seamless mode for the mode selected

3a. Scroll to through all your apps to the end in either direction (1,2,3,4…. till the end)

3b. Scroll the opposite way from page 1 to the last page (1,6,5,4)

4a. If you scrolled 1,2,3 to hit the end just keep scrolling to page 1 again

4b. If you scrolled 1,3,2 then from the last page just reverse the direction to hit page 1 again.

PRESTO: the apps on page 1 disappear completely.

NOTE: It doesnt matter how far in either direction you scroll, the behavior is between the beginning/end of the list

I found this odd because this behavior only seems to affect the apps drawer, and that they reappear only when i move the page by between 2 and 10 pixels. Doesn’t seem to be a big deal but it does seem kinda odd.


Pierre Hébert​ recently (within the past 45minutes of this post) had to sit in front of his tv and watch as some…

Pierre Hébert​ recently (within the past 45minutes of this post) had to sit in front of his tv and watch as some terrorists took hostages in his neighborhood. this information was reported on a local (sacramento, CA USA) morning show. i just woke up to get a slice of pizza when i discovered the show talking about this. not something i would have wanted to watch first thing in the morning. (8:51am pst)


is it just me or are there 2 lightning launcher communities? which one is which?

is it just me or are there 2 lightning launcher communities? which one is which?


heres a bug report (2 in fact).

heres a bug report (2 in fact).

the first is with stop points. i got an idea for a llx setup i wanted to try and so far i laid out a panel and 2 stop points. in testing just that i found that the stop points are NOT stopping at all half the time. and when they do stop its either too soon or too late by then.

the second is with widget margins/padding. so far i have found one widget that hates negative settings. i placed a widget on my screen on a white background, but the widget itself was too light to be noticeable. so to fix that i colored the object box a darker shade so even on a white background the widget background is easily visible, but this left (what i call) a bleed over. what i mean is that the darker color extends to the outer borders of the widget. so to clear that up i decided to shrink the margins in hopes to only have the widget itself.

the left/right sides of the widget look perfect so lets move to top/bottom. i choose a side and bring its margins in. SUCCESS. now the other side. THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS. instead of bringing that side in as well all it did was bring the other side back out so the work i did was for nothing. so both sides have negative values but neither side is showing that. its as if i never touched them.
