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Hi, Pierre Hébert . Maybe this is already reported, but I can’t any information about it.

Hi, Pierre Hébert . Maybe this is already reported, but I can’t any information about it.

Is Transparent Status Bar functionality working? I mean the one that is present in Android 4.4 Kit Kat.

I’ve installed an early port of CM11, made by Dev Team on XDA, in my old Samsung Galaxy S Plus (I9000) and transparent status bar only works in block screen, or with original Kit Kat launcher. 

When I’m in LL Extreme, status bar remains solid. I’ve disabled the option for transparency in Lost and Found, it never worked in my phone. So, I don’t know if any kind of incompatibilitie is going on or not.

It works in LL App Drawer too, but there my status bar isn’t hiding, I don’t know why.

As always, thanks for your help


Hi, +Pierre Hébert .

Hi, +Pierre Hébert .

First of all, thanks for your continues support and updates. I’ve seen you’ve fixed some problems with home button. If I’m not wrong, other issues with back button were reported too. In my case, it happens habitually, everytime you play around with folders, sooner or later, back button stops working. Reopen a folder is usually enough to make button back operative again.

Is this issue still pending?. I ask just to confirm if the issue is related to my hardware or not.

Thanks again.


Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

Until now, I’ve never used more than one desktop in LL Extreme. Now, with all the new function and great ideas taken from here, I’m thinking to prepare a secundary desktop. And I have a question about it. Is there any way to prevent back button to return to main desktop when you click it in secundary desktop?. IMHO, this is a key function when you are in the main desktop and you want to return to main screen from any place (an open folder, an displayed sidebar…). But, to make the secoundary desktop really operative, it’s a bit annoying to return to main desktop every time you click back button. 

Is there a way to make this button function in a independent way on each desktop?. I just want to use another way to switch desktop.

Thanks, guys.


Hi, guys.

Hi, guys.

I don’t know if this is really a bug. I’m trying to pin a subfolder inside a folder, but everytime  do it, the subfolder changes his position. As you can see in the photo attached, my target is that the list of apps scroll upwhile the subfolder mantain itself pinned in the firs row. Well, if I pin that subfolder, its position change (the screens were taken before and after the subfolder was pinned).

Any idea?


Hi, guys.

Hi, guys. I’m not pretty sure if this is a bug or not (anyway, it’s not a big deal). The only thing I miss in the new stop points configuration is a more friendly snapping options. I don’t know why, but every time I try to use them in more than one of my stop points, they stop to work correctly (sometimes, barriers don’t work anymore, or the scroll doesn’t stop at the point…). As you can see in the photo attached, I place two stop points per side bar, just to get scroll stops at each edge of the bars. Everything works fine, but the snapping option. Any idea?


Hi, guys.

Hi, guys. I was wondering if there is a way to mix the effects of the options Fit to Icon and Swap to Pages. I’ve made two sidebars using the first one, and scroll stops at the end of them, but it stops too before that if you don’t swipe enough. I prefer the scroll way that I get with Swap to pages, but then scroll doesn’t stop at the end of the icons in the sidebar. So, I ask you if there is a way to combine both options. I mean, a way to get scrolling stops when it gets an icon and, at the same time, swaps to that icon, or return to home screen if you don’t swipe enough.

If there isn’t a way to do that, maybe it could be an idea for future releases, don’t you think?.

I hope that I’ve explained myself, sorry for my bad English.



Hi. I’ve just discovered this great launcher, the best I’ve ever used.

Hi. I’ve just discovered this great launcher, the best I’ve ever used.

I’ve upgraded to Extreme version, and I’m trying to configure a hidable side bar, using stop scrolling points.

I think I ubderstand the concept of this feature, I have to use one of them where I want my screen stops when one of its edges touch the stop scrolling point; but, unfortunately, I can’t make it work by now.

Could anyone help me with this issue?.

Thanks, and congrats to dev for his amazing work. Keep it on!
